A Remedy For Our Sickness
Scott Eastveld

Reflection: A Remedy for Our Sickness

Have you ever felt a sickness creeping up before it fully hits? Maybe a scratchy throat, fatigue, or an achy body tells you something isn’t right. Sometimes we can see it coming, and other times it knocks us off our feet without warning. But the moment we realize we’re sick, our instinct is to seek healing—whether through rest, medicine, or the help of a doctor.

This is exactly where Paul takes us in Romans 3—helping us recognize the deeper sickness we all carry, the sickness of sin. And thankfully, he doesn’t leave us there. He shows us the cure.

The Diagnosis: We Are All Sick

For the last couple of weeks in our series When in Rome, we’ve wrestled with the heavy realities of wrath, judgment, and sin. Paul has been building the case that no one is righteous—not even one. He systematically removes any illusion that we might be exempt from this condition.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23

We might want to see sin as something that only “bad people” struggle with. But Paul doesn’t let us off the hook. He started by talking about them—those who reject God outright. But then he turns to us—even those who believe, follow the rules, and think we’re doing okay. Sin is not just about a list of wrong things we’ve done. It’s a condition—a sickness that infects us all.

This can be hard to accept. We often downplay our shortcomings: “It was just a mistake,” “I wasn’t thinking,” “That’s not who I really am.” But sin is not just a collection of bad choices—it’s a deeper issue of the heart.

The Remedy: But Now…

If Paul had stopped at the bad news, we’d be left in despair. But in Romans 3:21, he makes a dramatic shift with two simple words: But now.

“But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known… This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” – Romans 3:21-22

These two words signal the arrival of hope. Though we are sick, there is a cure. Though we have fallen short, there is grace. Though we cannot save ourselves, Jesus has come to do what we never could.

Paul describes it as justification—God declaring us “in the right” because of what Jesus has done. He describes it as redemption—the price paid to free us from slavery. He describes it as atonement—the sacrifice that reconciles us to God. Jesus is not just our example—He is our Healer.

Sin as Sickness, Salvation as Healing

We often think of sin as a crime that deserves punishment. And while there is an element of guilt involved, what if we also saw sin as a sickness that needs healing?

Jesus Himself used this language:

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” – Mark 2:17

If we viewed sin this way, it might change how we approach our own struggles. Instead of beating ourselves up, we might seek healing. Instead of condemning others, we might offer grace.

Think about it—how do you treat someone who is physically ill? With compassion. You want them to get better. What if we saw sin the same way? What if, instead of labeling people as “good” or “bad,” we recognized that we are all wounded and in need of the Great Physician?

Sin spreads like disease. It infects our thoughts, our relationships, our desires. But the good news is that grace heals. Jesus doesn’t just forgive our sins—He restores our hearts.

Faith, Not Works

Paul wraps up this passage by reminding us that this healing isn’t something we can earn. It’s not about doing more, being better, or following all the rules.

“For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.” – Romans 3:28

This is good news. It means we don’t have to fix ourselves before coming to Jesus. We don’t have to prove our worthiness. The remedy for our sickness is not found in trying harder, but in trusting deeper.

A Call to Honesty and Healing

So, what do we do with this?

First, we have to be honest. We need to acknowledge our sickness before we can seek healing. That means confessing our sin—not just the mistakes we make, but the deeper brokenness within us.

Second, we need to stop boasting—whether in our good deeds, our spiritual resumes, or our moral superiority. There is no distinction. We all fall short.

And finally, we need to put our faith in Jesus—not just for salvation after we die, but for healing in the here and now. The gospel isn’t just about avoiding punishment; it’s about being made whole.

So today, take a moment. Reflect on where you are. Are you trying to manage your sin, or are you seeking healing? Are you looking to rules for righteousness, or to Jesus for restoration?

Because but now—there is good news. There is grace. There is healing.

Let’s receive it. Let’s walk in it. Let’s be made whole.
