Women’s Fall Retreat

Join the Women of Grace for a weekend getaway where there will be times of worship, digging into scripture, and resting together. The event will be taking place the weekend of September 27th – 29th down at Manhattan Beach Retreat Centre.

We will be heading down to camp on Friday evening at 6:00pm, and returning back to the city Sunday afternoon for 1:00pm. The cost for the weekend is $75 which includes all your meals. If you are needing accommodations while down at camp, please select that option in the registration form. The cost for accommodations is $75 (both nights included). 

Schedule for the weekend (all meals, sessions, and activities in the Youth Chapel):

6PM // Leave the city
8:30PM // Arrive and meet at Youth Chapel to register
9PM // Bonfire (bring snacks to share)
9AM // Breakfast
10AM // Session 1
12PM // Lunch
1PM // Activities, board games, puzzles, walk, nap, etc…
5:30PM // Supper
7PM // Session 2
9PM // Group Activity
10AM // Brunch & Session 3
1PM // Home
*Things to Bring: Bible, pen & notebook, lawn chair, water bottle, blanket, and snacks to share for the bonfire.

We will carpool and each carload will split the cost of gas.

Please take a moment to fill out the registration form in the link below!